Thursday, March 1, 2012

In Like a Lion??!!

Whoever came up with the saying "in like a lion, out like a lamb" must not have been thinking about the South!  Today is March and let me tell you, this is no lion like entrance.  Today we are enjoying a sunny 80 degree day!!

After the gym the boys and I headed to Sesqui park for a picnic lunch and play time.  The weather was absolutely beautiful.  The boys had a blast playing on the playground.  Sean was extremely proud of himself; he was able to climb the steps and go down the slide by himself.  Needless to say he did this countless times!

As we were headed home I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and detoured over to Yogen Fruz.  We enjoyed our frozen yogurt outside and had lots of fun. 

Here are a few pictures from out beautiful sunny day.

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