Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Economies of Scale

Having three boys is absolutely wonderful!  Not only are they fun and energetic (ok, sometimes too wild), but since we have all boys we get to enjoy handing things down.  Yeah for the wallet!  They were all born in the late summer/fall and were all big.  Thus, handing clothes down has been great, so far.

As they get bigger, there is less to hand down.  Remember, they are boys.  That now means we are starting to see a lot more jeans with holes in the knees, mud and paint stains etc.  We will continue to do it as long as we can. 

We are also running into "fashionista" problems at times too.  Jack and Ewan used to love a button down shirt.  Jack recently decided he does not like them anymore.  That means Ewan decided he does not like them either.  So every now and then we have a fashion meltdown when I make them wear something they don't want to wear!  At least I can still dress Sean and he does not complain!!!

Toys are also an easy issue.  They all like the same thing so no need to get a ton of different toys.  It really is working out well having three boys.  We will not have any proms, weddings or such things to pay for.  No major female teenage drama.

BUT.....I'm starting to think we will lose all economies of scale when it comes to feeding the boys.  The oldest is not even five years old yet and sometimes they can really pack away the food.  And when one is eating all day it is usually all three.  They eat well, so of course that is even more expensive.  Good food costs more than processed junk food.

When they hit a growth spurt or "I'm hungry" phase it seems as if I do nothing but feed them all day.  They will finish a meal or snack and say "I'm still hungry" again!  It truly is an all day ordeal, not ending until they are asleep (even after being put to bed they will come down and say "I'm hungry").  I truly cannot imagine how bad it will get when they are teenagers.  I am going to need to add on to the house to have a full room to serve as a pantry!

So much for boys being cheaper than girls.  Maybe I should do a study....but that would be too depressing!

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