Monday, March 26, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

I've had several post ideas...but this one needs to be posted pronto!!  This is how we spent our play time after lunch today.  We were in the backyard, and of course boys will be boys.  It took no time at all for Ewan to find the dirt.  We have a huge pile in the back which usually has a wheelbarrow on it.  Well the wheelbarrow is gone so that gave Sean access to the entire pile of dirt.

He rolled in the dirt, threw the dirt down his own back.  He was beside himself with excitement.  Then his brothers came to join in the action.  They dug and threw dirt.  They made castles.  And as you can imagine they were DIRTY.  Sean was indeed the dirtiest of them all. 

So they stripped on the porch and we headed in for a bath.  The dust/dirt flew around as I took off Sean's clothes.  I hardly wanted to touch him to get him upstairs for the bath!!

We managed to get clean; it took two baths but they made it out clean!!!  You would think I would learn.....I forgot to put Sean in some "play" clothes before we went out.  So now I have the fun job of getting all these clothes clean.  So if you ever wonder how I spend my time, I spend it cleaning the boys and trying to get dirt out of their clothes!!!

The dirtiest of them all!!

Jack and Ewan at the scene of the crime.

Sean is proud of his dirty face!!!!

I think the only clean part is his eyes.

Somehow I'm not sure this is a model look....unless it's for a stain remover!!

The laundry awaiting my attention.

That is a huge dirt stain on Sean's changing table from where he laid his
head when I changed his diaper!

Jack in the tub.

Sean getting all the dirt out of his hair.

Notice how dirty the water is??!!

A new batch of soapy water.

Finally we have three clean boys!!

They are clean for now.  After dinner we'll head outside again and I'm sure the fun will begin again!!  Ah, the fun never ends here....

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