Monday, August 8, 2011

Technical Difficulties

I took several video clips of Sean, but I'm having difficulties uploading them to the blog.  Guess ya'll have to settle for a still picture!  Sean is at the age where he seems to be growing bigger/older every single day.  He is changing right before my very eyes!!  My baby is growing too fast...

He is very into pushing his toy, also the kitchen chairs sometimes!!  He also loves trying to keep up with his big brothers.  They feed off of each it's even louder and more insane with the three of them together!!  Good times ahead I'm sure; good times for them anyway.  Stress and insanity for me!

I'm still waiting for it to cool off here.  The boys and I are going stir crazy.  They really NEED outside time to run off their energy.  They just bounce off the walls inside!!!  Which of course makes me bounce off the walls.

Anyway, here is Sean pushing his toy.  I'll try to work on more photos later. 

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