Monday, August 1, 2011

Sean Tidbits

Just a few random tidbits about Sean before I forget (not that I would ever forget anything)!  He is doing well of course.  The cut did not slow him down any, nor did we expect it to!!

Sean is now waving good-bye.  He is too cute!  Funny how the little things are so adorable.  My little boy is grown up so fast.  He even waves the right way...most babies wave to themselves since that is how they see people wave to them, but Sean actually waves the right way.

Sean is also now trying to oink like a pig.  He has a farm and it makes animal noises.  He seems to like the pig best because he tries to oink and it sounds so incredibly funny.  I've tried several times to get a video clip but have not succeeded yet.

Best run, the little guy is screaming now....

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