Friday, August 26, 2011

Preschool Week One

Jack just completed week one of preschool and he really enjoyed himself.  I'm proud of my little guy.  He doesn't always deal with change well, especially being left in unfamilar places.  Monday he did well.  Wednesday, however, he cried when I dropped him off.  He was happy when I picked him up and was proud to show off the apple puppet he made.  Jack thought the carpool pickup was pretty cool.

Then today I reminded him that I would be dropping him off at the carpool lane.  He seemed fine with it.  While we were waiting for his teacher to open the door for him he said enthusiastically "I'm going to show my teachers my friends".  He was referring to his two Cars band-aids!!!  He was happy to see his teacher come pick him up and left smiling.

When we picked him up today he was all smiles again!  After getting a few things out of him (asking about his day is like pulling teeth), he said "so Ewan, what did you do today?"  It was so adorable it melted my heart!!  Ewan told Jack he went to the store and gym with Mommy.  Jack asked him what he did at the gym.  When Ewan replied he played, Jack was curious and said "what did you play?  What toys did you play with?"  Drilling his little brother like I drill him!!!!  Way too cute!

Everyone enjoyed the first week, well the kids more than me.  I do enjoy having Jack spend some time away, yet seems I don't get anymore done!!  I'm not sure why parents get so excited about just means being stuck to a preset schedule and carpooling.  Not my idea of fun.  Oh well, we're still getting to the gym four mornings a week and now Ewan gets his special Oma time.  We are definitely all enjoying that!  Ewan looks forward to his next adventure with Oma.  Bring on week two!!!

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