Monday, August 22, 2011

Big Day

Today was Jack's first day of preschool.  My little guy is growing up so fast!  Granted, most of his friends went to preschool last year, but he just started today and he was about it.  He talked about it all weekend and this morning when Ewan woke up (who of course chose today to sleep til nearly 8) he told him right away "today is my first day of school Ewan"!!  It was too cute for words.

We dropped him off and he was still excited.  In the parking lot he got a little nervous...said "I don't want to go to this school.  I want to go to my other school."  I assured him it was his school, we were just parked near another building and if he looked around the other side of the car he would see he.  He was relieved to see his building!

We went in the building and he was still excited.  Took a picture in the gym.  Then as we approached the door to his room he clung to my leg.  We went in the room and after finding a few toys he settled in and didn't care when we left!  So yeah Jack, so tears!!  He can get emotional in new places and with new people so this was a big success.

When we picked him up he was still thrilled.  Once of his teachers asked if he always goes to the bathroom.  Seems he went 6 times!!  Probably just checking out a new bathroom.  He does like to check out bathrooms!

 In the parking lot

In the gym

In his new classroom

FYI:  Ya'll know Jack picked out his own outfit and shoes.  He is still my fashionista.  Ewan of course had to pick out his own this morning too (with some help, as he doesn't color coordinate well all the time)!

Now Jack is looking forward to his first day of preschool special dinner.  His choice of course....chicken, broccoli, bug mac and cheese (picked up and organic mix in the mountain with bug shaped pasta) and chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting!!  Oma and Opa will be coming to celebrate our big boy's day so he'd looking forward to that too.

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