Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Southern Boys

This morning we went to the farmer's market, our Saturday family tradition.  We try to get there most Saturdays.  We have breakfast there and pick up some local produce, bread, meat, whatever looks good and we need.

The breakfast in the beginning was usually a chocolate brioche which Jack and Ewan both love.  Then they discovered they like the scones even more.  We also get a hot breakfast from Rosso, a great little Italian restaurant here in town.  We usually get some sort of egg strata, grits, hash browns etc.  Well Ewan is my GRITS LOVER.  He would eat every last bite if we let him!!  I must say they are quite tasty.  And Jack is our biscuit and gravy lover.  He would eat the whole thing by himself...which is quite full of sausage. 

Sean had some grits today and enjoyed them too.  Even better, though, he LOVED the scone.  So we're discovering more food he likes.  Seems I have three grit loving boys.  Guess we'll have to add that to our breakfast routine on the weekend when Daddy cooks a big breakfast!

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