Monday, July 11, 2011

Camp Day One

This morning was Jack and Ewan's first day of camp at the gym.  They were both excited to go.  It's amazing the difference 30 minutes makes.  We usually leave for the gym at 8:30, but with camp we had to leave around 8.  So we hit some of the morning rush along the way.  Not too bad, but still a change in routine.

We got to the gym early enough to still drop off my bag in the locker room and then take both boys to the bathroom.  And then it was time to drop them off.  Ewan was perfectly fine and happy.  Jack, on the other hand, decided to cry and have a mini meltdown.  I left and took Sean to the babysitting room.  On my way to the gym for my workout I had somebody look in the room; Jack was perfectly fine as I suspected.

I enjoyed my quiet time working out.  Then it was off to the shower...again the 30 minutes made a difference.  Since I was in the locker room earlier than my usual I discovered I arrived when the water aerobics class let out so I had to wait for a shower.  It was quite entertaining though listening to all the old ladies and their stories!!

Sean was happy to see was about his morning nap time so he was getting cranky.  I packed him up and we went to Oma's to pick up Chloe.  We took her to the kennel as my parents left for Montana EARLY this morning.  Sean cried the whole time, unable to fall asleep.  He just nodded off as we approached our destination.  Luckily when I woke him he was happy. 

Next it was off to Old Navy, World Market and the grocery store.  We got home, had lunch and then had to run off to pick up Jack and Ewan!  BUSY morning!!

The guys had a great time...colored, played with sidewalk chalk, played/"swam" in the pool, had snack, lunch and played a lot.  They were the only kids staying just half days, the other kids were either already napping or close to it!

We got home, settled in and fed Sean.  Then it was nap time.  Jack and Ewan took LONG naps!!  Yeah me! I got lots done...cleaned clothes out of the eaves and my closet.  Now I need to go to the charity drop off.

Such a busy day, I'm pooped too!

Happy Campers leaving the gym.

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