Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Movies

Monday Josh and I took Jack and Ewan to the movies for the first time.  We went to see Cars 2.  I planned on waiting until they were another year or two older before taking them to the movies, but with Cars 2 our figured they really should see it in the theater.

Jack was on the edge of his seat and had a blast.  Ewan was thrilled too.  They yelled every now and then when they recognized Lightening McQueen and TowMater.  They also got revved up during the races (probably since they already like watching Formula One)!

Ewan was a little restless towards the end.  He can only sit still for so long.  I'm amazed he lasted as long as he did!   Sean stayed with Oma and Opa.  He was a little cranky, probably because he wasn't in his own house and is teething, otherwise he had fun!

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