Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Power of the Penis

As the mother of three boys I've already begun to experience first hand the adventures of boys and then privates.  How is it that such a young age they already become obsessed with themselves?!

Jack and Ewan took to going to the bathroom together some time ago.  You might think this would be nice...quicker trips to the bathroom etc.  Not quite!  That simply means that they can try to pee on each other.  Not quicker, ie I have to clean up their messes.  It seems that they discovered the first time they peed outside that they could aim their pee to go anywhere.  This is a fun game to them.  Not so much for me!!

Sometimes I'll catch Jack in the bathroom just getting all artsy while he is peeing.  Is he trying to paint something??   Sometimes I do wonder!!

This morning Jack actually peed on Sean.  I kid you not.  I could not believe it when he told me.  We went upstairs after breakfast to get ready for the day.  I was putting laundry away (I know, hard to imagine I ever do laundry!).  Jack and Ewan apparently decided to strip right away to get dressed so they were playing around upstaird totally naked.  Sean was crawling around in his diaper since.  I walked into Sean's room and Jack said he peed on Sean.  I did not believe him.  Ewan said it was true.  I asked Jack where he did it...he confessed to peeing on Sean's diaper.  INDEED, there was a little urine on Sean's diaper, on the backside. 

I still cannot believe it!!!  How many more adventures must I endure with these three boys??!!  I will admit it is nice having boys since they can go anywhere, but is the payoff having to deal with things like this??!!  Ah, to have a girl who just goes on the toilet and can't miss, well not easily anyway!

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