Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is it Monday???

We had such a lousy start to the morning, I had to question if it was Monday.  Things were running pretty smoothly when we left for the gym just after 8:30 this morning.  We were so close to the gym, and then I hear one of the dreaded noises that a mother just knows.  Sean spit up, but not just a spit up, more like he threw up his entire breakfast.  Luckily he only had a bottle, no food to go with it. 

After I parked I the gym I was able to fully assess the damage.  It was as I suspected...Sean coverd all over in spit up, clothes, bare legs and everything else.  His car seat was disgusting too.  I began the clean up.  I took Sean out and took off his clothes immediately.  Then it was off to the back of the car for a wardrobe change.  I put a spare burp cloth in the car seat to cover/soak up the mess and we were off. 

THEN when I was dropping off the boys at the gym so I could enjoy my workout Jack decided to have a meltdown.  Out of nowhere he decided he wants to play with Mommy and doesn't want me to leave.  Great, he loves me, but I want to go!!!  After some long talking I gave him some books to read and he calmed down somewhat.  By then Sean is also crying.  He also doesn't usually do that.  Why is everything happing all at once??  Conspiracy against Mommy I tell ya!

I gave up and left, told them if things didn't improve to just come get me off the elliptical.  Luckily I was able to enjoy my workout and nice long hot shower.  They must have recovered and improved their attitudes.  Of course when I went to pick them up Sean was asleep.  He NEVER sleeps there anymore!!  Such a strange day it was.  We made it out and just as we are approaching the car Jack trips and falls while he is running.  The screaming begins and we get to the car to assess his damage.  Two skinned knees and one upset little guy.  I managed to calm him down finally and put on some Neosporin and two Scooby Do band-aids.  Granted, they were too small, but it would do until we got home.

This was all before 11AM!!!  So that is a morning in the life of the Dalrymple Clan!!!  One of our more hectic ones, certainly not a calm one.  I personally am hoping they nap forever today, but deep down I know that is not true.

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