Friday, January 9, 2009


Time certainly does fly by quickly, already well into 2009 and haven't written about our holidays yet. We had a wonderful Christmas at home. As per Weitzel tradition, we had homemade pizza on Christmas. Josh made a yummy pizza that we all enjoyed. Later that evening Jack and Daddy left some cookies and milk out for Santa Clause...not that Jack really understood what he was doing, but it was so ADORABLE!!

Santa did indeed come to visit us. We opened presents first thing Christmas morning once both boys were awake. While we opened presents, Josh and I enjoyed another Weitzel tradition, mimosas. Jack ripped the paper off some presents, mostly enjoyed chewing on boxes of course.

Later in the morning Oma and Opa came and we opened the last of our presents. Jack's favorite present by far what a pull train from his Oma and Opa. He pulled it all over the house the rest of the day! After presents we enjoyed lunch, a yummy ham and other goodies. Jack really enjoyed the cheesecake we had for dessert. It was his first taste of it and he absolutely LOVED it!! He would go from one person to the next to get a bite. Ewan pretty much slept through most of Christmas, much like Jack did last year! It was a wonderful family holiday.

The day after Christmas we trekked up to Ohio to visit Josh's parents and brother with his family. The drive up was long, as expected. It took us 12 hours to get there; a drive that used to take us 9 hours without kids! Ewan needed long stops to eat and Jack needed his time out of the car to play. We were Saturday we spent with the family and made a short shopping trip. Jack enjoyed spending time with his cousins which was good...after all he rarely sees them so you never know how he will react to strangers. Sunday we went with his cousins and aunt and uncle to the children's museum. Jack had a great time there, as did his cousins. He especially liked playing in the water...diving into it too! He was quite the wet boy. Then Monday we survived the 13 hour drive home!! Won't be making that trip anytime soon again.
On the 30th Jack had fun at zoo lights!

New Year's Eve we had some people from Josh's work over and had a bonfire. I of course spent the evening inside with Ewan, making a short appearance outside. The new year, unfortunately, wasn't so nice to us. New Year's Day we spent with some friends from our playgroup and seemed to get a stomach virus. January second Josh, Jack and I were all sick...up all night being sick and taking care of Jack being sick. It was his first illness and the poor guy just didn't understand what was happening. He had several baths, pj changes and sheet changes that night. Everyone napped a lot, luckily Ewan didn't get it.

So now Jack is finally getting closer to normal. He is still rather fussy, however, I think the reason right now is that he is getting more new teeth. So hopefully this will end soon.

In the meantime we take it one day at a time. The bad days are rough, either Jack or Ewan screaming all the time, sometimes both in stereo! Other days are good. Ewan is horribly gassy and that bothers him so he definitely has his fussy moments.

We look forward to what this year brings us...Ewan growing quickly, crawling, walking, playing with his brother. Jack growing even more, speaking more words and discovering more and more new things. Josh searching for a new job, hopefully not involving a move. And me...surviving all three of my boys, carving out some alone time when possible!!

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