Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random Tidbit

Life is returning to normal...teething is better, everyone is healthy. Ewan has even slept through the night a couple times now so I'm thrilled about that!

So anyway, I've been meaning to put this info in for a while and always forget...the reason behind Ewan's name. Seems we chose a difficult name; many of our friends and family ask how to pronounce it and/or spell it. I didn't really think it was too tricky, but apparently I was wrong! Anyhow, we chose the name because it was the only one Josh and I could agree on!!! His list of boy names was full of Scottish names for his side of the family. My list had a little of everything, including Irish for my side of the family. He vetoed many of my names, and I vetoed many of his. No way was I going to name my child Dare Dalrymple if we had a boy!!! So Ewan it was. And his middle name, Joseph, was my paternal grandfather's middle name (Paul Joseph Weitzel). So there you have it, the story behind Ewan Joseph's name.

Seems we have much difficulty choosing boy names. It took us some time to agree on Jack's name as well. Girl names seem to be easy for us, just haven't had the chance to use one yet!

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