Thursday, January 22, 2009

Giant Boys

We've returned from the pediatrician and before I forget...or before the boys wake up and keep me busy, thought I would update everyone on their stats.

Jack (15 months) is 33.5 inches tall (97%) and weighs 25 lb 10 oz (50-75%). So my big boy continues to be long and lean. He survived his shots and only cried for a few seconds before he got a chocolate bunny which distracted him (not solid chocolate bunny like Easter, organic chocolate cookie bunny)!

Ewan (2 months) is 25.25 inches (off the charts!!) and weighs 13 lb 7 oz (90%). So our "little guy" is not so little!! He already has surpassed Jack's 2 month stats, we'll see if he maintains this pace and outgrows his brother in a couple years time. Ewan took a little longer to recover from his shots but is resting comfortably now.

That will do for now. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my quiet time (plus do laundry of course). We'll work on some new photos in the next few days. We also have our friend Jens coming from Germany tomorrow.

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