Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ewan's First Illness

Over the weekend Ewan started vomiting....a side effect of his immunizations we thought. Well by Tuesday AM he was still having problems and after discussing it with the nurse at the ped office we've decided he likely picked up some bug while he was in the office there. The good news is they usually last 72 hours, and we're just about at the end there!! Other than vomiting he is relatively happy, still smiling and showing off for Jens while he was here. So I'm hoping it all ends sometime today, especially since I've about had it with laundry and cleaning the furniture and carpets! Our poor little guy has already had his first illness at just over 2 months old but is handling it like a trooper.
Jack, on the other hand, is very healthy. A little too much....full of energy. He is climbing all over the place, especially on the kitchen and dining room tables. He's fallen a couple times, but that doesn't stop him from doing it again. He's lost one of his favorite things, the heat registers. Josh painted them all with Rustoleum and glued them down so Jack can no longer pull them up and slam them on the floor or suck them!
Over the weekend Jack enjoyed his first PB&J sandwich. Despite all the peanut allergy debate, we finally decided to let him have peanut butter. With no allergies in our families we figured it would be safe...we gave him some organic pb and he loved it. So at least this gives us another option for lunch.
Last night Jack came downstairs after getting his pjs on and Josh told me to look at him....Josh hiked his pants up since they a too long! Jack didn't care for this old man look, couldn't see his belly button! I commented that the only thing missing to complete this old man look was suspenders...Josh improvised and you can see the entertaining look in his photo!!!

Jack continues to show his independence. He no longer wants his banana cut up for breakfast. He insists on eating the whole thing like a big boy! He's growing up so fast.
We'll be laying low for a couple days to make sure Ewan gets over his bug. We had to cancel a playdate today and tomorrow, don't want to get anyone else sick. Luckily Jack didn't get it. And I was looking forward to getting out!! Oh well, the focus now is healthy boys, I'll just have to entertain Jack here when I have a spare moment.

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