Monday, December 22, 2008

Treasures from Emmie M

Just the other day a package arrived from the Emmie M (the boys' surrogate Grandma in Milwaukee). I was thrilled to open it...the Emmie M never disappoints us. Ewan got a handsome button down shirt and another button down shirt with belted khakis for his birth present. Jack got some amazing pjs and a robe for his belated birthday present.
There is a story behind Jack's pjs. After Jack was born we received an absolutely adorable pair of pjs from friends in England. They are the two piece cotton button down style....classic style for adults but extremely difficult to find for children. So Emmie M had her daughter, Katie, hunt us down some pjs for Jack. She lives in Ireland so we thought she would be able to find something fun.....and she did!!! Jack received some plaid pjs with an airplane embroidered on them and a matching bathrobe and teddy bear and another pair of pjs with a space theme.

Now it's just a few days until they open their Christmas presents. Time flies by so quickly!! Hard to believe it's already Jack's second Christmas and Ewan's first. They must have been good though, there are plenty of presents for them under the tree!

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