Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa Scare

Over the weekend we had brunch with Santa. As expected, Jack did not care for Santa. He enjoyed his brunch though...what little boy wouldn't enjoy a dinner roll, potatoes, crackers and apple crisp with ice cream!! He wasn't too keen on anything else that day. Luckily he usually is a good eater. Ewan of course slept through the entire meal. So then after we all finished it was time to take a picture of the boys with Santa. Jack started crying and clinging to Daddy as soon as he saw that scary man! So we started out with just Ewan and Santa, hoping Jack would see Santa was harmless. That didn't work. Eventually I had to stand with Jack and he slowly stopped crying and smiled for a pretty lady. So we have a picture of Mommy and her boys with
Santa...we can only hope next year will go better!

Yesterday the boys were quite the troopers. Mommy and Oma took them shopping in Charlotte for the day. We left around 9:30 and did not get home until 6:30! Jack was in a car seat, high chair or stroller nearly the whole time and only fussed when he leaked through and got his pants wet and we wouldn't let him run around the restaurant. I think it was all a ploy for new pants...I actually packed an extra shirt for him, but no pants. Needless to say our first stop was to get him a new pair of pants to put on immediately!! Oma and I had great fun and got both boys several things. Boys clothes are so cute now!! Some were Christmas presents and others for later. I even spoiled myself and bought a pair of shoes....seems I only buy stuff for the boys these days and thought it was time to get myself something.

Today Jack is now busy running all over the house since he got very little play time yesterday. I'm trying to get my Christmas cards addressed so I can get them in the mail. We're pretty much ready for the holidays now, just need to get a couple presents out in the mail and find some stocking stuffers for Daddy and Ewan.

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