Monday, April 9, 2012

Strawberry Picking

This morning the boys and I went to pick strawberries.  The weather could not have been better.  It was probably in the upper 60s and sunny.  So with some sunblock on we were good to go. 

Anyone who knows Jack well certainly knows that he LOVES strawberries.  So this was a piece of heave to him.  He put maybe three berries in the bucket.  He ate the rest of everything he picked!!  Sean and Ewan enjoyed eating some too, but at least they helped put a few more in the bucket.

It was fun to see Sean enjoy his first year of actually helping pick berries.  Last year he was in the carrier and more work than anything else.  This year he was able to pick and eat too.  He did pretty well picking only ripe red berries.  Good lesson in learning his colors!!

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