Friday, January 28, 2011

Lots of Updates

It's been another busy week at Chez Dalrymple!  We've been swamped and super busy, hardly a spare moment to breathe, let alone blog.  So here we go... Tuesday was super busy.  We were at the gym by 9AM and I enjoyed my workout and alone time. Then Oma took the big boys home while I took Sean to his 4 month well visit (how is it that my "baby" is already 4 months old?!)  He was a trooper and did extremely well (though the shots did make him super fussy this time around.  He is 27 inches tall (off the charts again) and weighs 16lb 7.5oz (75-90%).  So that's our superstar!!

Then after a brief  lunch at home we all headed to the airport to pick up Jens.  Jack and Ewan loved checking out the planes, taxis and shuttle busses!  We had a great visit with Jens from Germany.  Jack and Ewan had a blast with him....playing football, storytime...  He will be missed.  Needless to say they also liked the yummy goodies he brought!

Wednesday we ran some errands, had lunch with Oma and Opa....  We all had dinner at Oma and Opa's too.  Nice not to have to cook now and then!

Then Thursday we took Jens back to the airport.  After we got home Jack and Ewan were extremely rotten.  Being stuck in the car so long didn't make for good moods (or good naps).  It was an extremely long day...I didn't even get a shower til 9:30 at night!

Today it was Ewan's turn at the doctor.  He went to the eye doctor....and I just barely survived.  This time I had all three kiddos with me.  We got there 15 minutes early to fill out our new patient paperwork.  What a waste....we had to wait forever anyway, didn't need to be there early.  We finally got to the exam room after waiting nearly 1hr 15min.  Not an easy task with three kids!  Luckily it all happened quickly once we got in.  So anyway, Ewan is having surgery (well actually more like a procedure) on March 18.  He's got a blocked tearduct, pretty much what we were expecting.  Oma will be out of town then so we'll see how Opa can handle the other two boys by himself!!! 

And then later this afternoon I'll be dropping off Jack and Ewan at Oma and Opa's so we can go look at a house again.  We liked it the first time and I'd like to look at it again, more closely this time without chasing Jack and Ewan.  We haven't found anything else yet (other than one that just went under contract)!

That about sums up our hectic lives.  Not much time to do anything fun as life is keeping us busy enough!!  Did I mention the blowout diapers Sean has been having lately??!!  Try taking three kids to the bathroom at a gas station!!!

Enjoying a story with Jens

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