Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This one's for you Emmie M3!!

So I hear you've been wanting an update....needless to say life is hectic here but just for you I'll update.  It's been an absolutely miserable day so far so this should at least be a break from that.  Looking at the pics of my handsome hunks cheers me up!

This past Sunday Sean went in his jumperoo for the first time.  I think Jack and Ewan enjoyed it as much as he did!!  He doesn't jump all over in it yet as he can barely reach the ground, but he does like it.

AND....Ewan peed in his potty for the first time Sunday!!!  YEAH!!!  He also went again last night.  He is extremely resistant to using the potty so these were major victories!  He's still in the "getting acquainted with the potty" stage, not officially training yet.  Not sure when that will begin as he is very resistant.

We'll be looking at some houses in Sumter again Sunday so hopefully that will go well.  We're pretty sure two of them won't work, but the other two still have potential.  We're curious to see them in person.  Wish us luck, we really need to move and shorten Josh's commute!!!

Woops, I almost completely forgot....Sean also just rolled over for the first time this morning!!  My "little" guy is growing so fast, he's already almost four months old.

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