Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get me a straight jacket!!!!!!

Today was absolutely insane and I'm barely surviving.  It's another snow day...or should I say ice covered snow.  So needless to say we can't play outside.  Josh is back at work and the boys were full of energy.  They drove me crazy all morning getting into trouble.  Some day they are just absolute devils and today is that day.

After lunch I was finally ready to break free....we ventured out to go to Bi-Lo.  Trouble began right in the parking lot.  Jack threw an iceball and hit me in the side of the face while I was getting Sean out of the car.  Not a pleasant beginning.  Then all of the big carts were covered in snow and ice so we used a regular cart.  Sean was sleeping in his car seat on the top of the cart, Jack was holding onto the front and Ewan the side of the cart.  Luckily it was a short list, but still I had to stop all the time and tell them to behave and stay out of trouble.  The store was out of the one thing we went there for so I figured I would get a rain check.  We finished our short list and went to the checkout.

That's when the fun really began.  I went to the self checkout since the other lines were busy and I only had a few items.  So while I am scanning an item Jack and Ewan knock the cart over on top of themselves and Sean's seat is partially knocked out.  Luckily Sean is fine, woke up but that's it.  Jack and Ewan are hysterical and Ewan had a small scratch.  They didn't get too much sympathy....if they listened and did as they were told this never would have happened.  After hugs and finally calming down they are good....ready to help again.  Jack knocked over the cart trying to get in it to pull items out.  Just trying to help, but not listening and obeying. 

After all this I just don't have the energy to get my raincheck for the hotdogs.  I'm ready to escape and pretend I was never there!!!!!  Jack had other plans though, he pulls the cart (with Sean in it) and heads out the wrong way. 

We finally make it home and it's naptime.  Major meltdown for Jack...because he is misbehaving and isn't allowed his firetruck in bed.  After MUCH WHINING they are finally all asleep. 

I now understand how moms can start drinking in the afternoon, or overindulge in sweets or junk food.  Don't worry....I'm only indulging in hot tea and a 100 calorie snack.  I'm behaving....though it is tempting not to!!

My little devils better wake up in a better mood and ready to behave or it's going to be  a very long time til Daddy gets home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing! I can (almost) remember those days when you thought they would never go to sleep and give you some much needed peace. However, these days will end all too soon and you will even forget how crazy they were. You will wonder how they ever got this big this fast...... Relish in the good and the bad - and take advantage of the peace when it comes. "This too shall pass" - Love you all, Great Aunt Lois