Monday, February 6, 2012

Another Weekend Passes Us By

The weekends are far too short.  The boys enjoy spending time with their Daddy, as do I!  This weekend began with "date night".  I use that term loosely since we still had Sean with us.  Jack and Ewan stayed at the church, but Sean did not nap that afternoon and was still recovering from his cold.  He threw a fit when I put him down to sign in the big boy; no way was I even going to try to leave him.  So Josh and I enjoyed a lovely dinner with Sean.  At least he was happy and behaved well.

Saturday morning it was off to the farmer's market for our usual yummy breakfast and goodie shopping.  After a quick errand it was off to Barnes and Noble for storytime and a visit from Clifford.  We headed home for lunch.  Somehow the morning was over before we knew it.  The guys played outside while I cleaned.  Naps went over somewhat well.  We even had to wake up Sean to leave for the game.

Jack in particular was thrilled to go to the USC vs. UK basketball game.  He had a great time cheering and yelling!  Sean was happy to sit in a seat to himself and eat from a big bucket of popcorn. He definitely wasn't feeling well though; he was tired and droopy looking.  Ewan had fun too, especially eating popcorn and a soft pretzel!

Sunday was another busy day.  Josh tilled the garden, the boys and I took a walk and then they "helped" Daddy work on one of the cars.  It was an absolutely beautiful day outside.  Unfortunately I was stuck inside doing laundry and cleaning or going to the grocery store.  I got some time outside, of course I was busy keeping the boys out of trouble.  We did manage to get in a short relaxing time outside for a cocktail before we headed to our friend's house for the Superbowl.  The boys had fun playing with their friends and we enjoyed the game/commercials and catching up with friends.  We left shortly after the second half began to get the boys to bed.  It was a long and busy weekend for them.

I also managed to FINALLY start our wish list on Amazon.  After having to make different lists for all of us for different family members I decided to stop the insanity!  Now we have one big list for everyone on amazon.  That way if somebody asks for gift ideas we always have something ready.  Even more important, it helps me keep a list of things I might get the boys too.  So it's a win win for everyone!

That sums up our weekend.  Busy as always and over too soon.  Monday mornings are never fun.  The first thing Jack said was "Where's Daddy?  I thought he was home today."  We kept busy though and that helps.  Soon Jack and Ewan will start swim lessons (their Valentine's/Easter gift from Oma and Opa).  They look forward to that, as do I.  Maybe something that will wear them out???!!

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