Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waddle Waddle

Josh had the nerve to inform me today that I've started to show the pregnant waddle!!  Well, actually it's no surprise I guess.  Somehow this pregnancy is worse than the others, even though I'm still not officially full term.  I feel like my belly is about to explode.  I just can't imagine keeping this monster inside for another 4 weeks!!!  We'll see if I actually go into labor with this one....long as it isn't until after this weekend since Oma and Opa are out of town for a family funeral.

In other news the boys continue to grow like weeds.  The love to climb everything.  They had fun at MyGym last week...Jack tried out the rock climbing wall.  He still isn't quite tall enough, yet somehow he managed to climb up a little bit.  They both love to climb all the way up the ladder wall, and quite quickly at that!

We survived last week, just barely.  Josh had to work 4AM-4PM so it was a bit rough.  Trying to keep the boys quiet when Daddy went to bed before them was a difficult task.  So of course they chose last week to  be extra loud and feisty at bedtime!  Needless to say by Friday I was exhausted.  Between staying up later with the boys and D3 kicking up a storm I wasn't sleeping much.

Last weekend the boys had a trial run with Oma and Opa...they spent the night at their house to get ready for D3's arrival.  The boys did pretty well and  Oma and Opa survived.  I think they needed a little rest after they dropped off the boys!  Jack and Ewan can keep a person busy!!!  Just wait until they have the boys for several days....they'll need a vacation after that!!

Josh and I didn't get much rest though...somehow we were just as tired without the kids as with them!  We headed up to Charlotte and decided which bed and mattress set to order.  We went out to a great restaurant we saw on Diner, Drive-Ins and Dives.  Had some fabulous fish tacos!!  Then after at least sleeping in Sunday morning we were busy steam cleaning furniture (not the best job for a huge preggie!!) and putting together night stands and tidying up wall damage from the boys. 

The good news is that yesterday we had a slight temp and humidity drop.  I was able to take the boys to the park in the morning for two solid hours of play and fun.  Plus we were able to play outside afer dinner.  What a luxury!!  Looks like this trend may continue for a few more days.

That's pretty much life here.....surviving a monster baby and keeping the boys out of as much trouble as possible!!!

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