Sunday, May 23, 2010

Going Green With D3

No, that does not refer to redoing the nursery in gender neutral green or anything else green colored.  We're referring to our new car choice.  Many people expect us to get a minivan or huge SUV now that we're having baby number 3.  Well let me be the first to inform ya'll that we're going SMALLER.  That's right, SMALLER.  We've decided to get a Toyota Prius.  We test drove it yesterday and really liked it. 

It's got everything we wanted:   fuel efficiency, room for three car seats and a hatch-back.  Josh was pushing a Ford hybrid, however I was not willing to give up a hatch-back.  It's just too essential for emergency diaper changes, taking the dog around town etc.  So we compromised on the Prius, which we both really liked.

So why go smaller....the question should be more like why go bigger!  It's just not necessary, especially for my needs.  About 90% of my driving is running errands here in town, therefore less fuel efficient.  There really is no need for something HUGE and INEFFICIENT.  I can fit all I need in the Prius.   It's far more logical (both environmentally and financially) to get a car that fits our lifestyle best.  It may mean buying new carseats (our's are too wide) and a new stroller (mine is too big), but it's the best thing to do.  Should we go on a long haul road trip and need something bigger we can just use a cargo carrier or rent something bigger.

So D3 won't be getting all hand-me-downs!!!  He or she may get a new car seat and definitely a new stroller.  I hate to depart with my Valco stroller....a baby shower present from Oma and Opa for Jack.  It's a great top of the line stroller that we LOVE...but it just doesn't fold down small enough.  But that's OK, I've already found the next stroller.  It actually isn't even out yet; it's due to hit the market in early June.  It's another top of the line stroller and I can't wait to check it out!

So that's how we're going green.  And we all benefit, as does our Mother Earth.

Hey, and D3 will benefit with some new stuff too.  Everyone seems to think the third baby gets a little neglected.  That could be true, but certainly not by us!!  Ewan got fewer presents and less visitors after he was born, but he still had a shower and was spoiled by his immediate family.  D3 probably won't get a shower (do we really need anymore gender neutral stuff?!), but he or she will get some of the best hand-me-downs ever.  My favorites are of course the family items...the dresser that my brother, sister and I all had, the rocker the three of us had, the crib Josh built for our babies (assuming Ewan doesn't break out of it soon!) and the star blankie Oma knit for Jack (thanks for all the pain and suffering you went through to make that for all my babies).  Plus of course the new car and stroller D3 will have, and a new chair in the nursery.  And of course presents from friends and family...I know Oma is already working on D3's needs.

That's about all the news we have now.  Can't wait to get my new car...not sure how soon we'll do it, but definitely before late September!!

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