Sunday, March 29, 2009

Horsies Oh My!

Yesterday we took Jack to the Carolina Cup, and what an adventure it was. Originally we planned on taking both boys, but then reality kicked in!! It was raining and we had too much to carry, it would be impossible with both boys. So Ewan spent the day with his Oma and Opa. He had a wonderful and DRY day!!!

After dropping off Ewan it was off to Camden for the races. When we arrived it was cloudy, not raining YET. We gathered the chairs, backpack, picnic basket and put Jack in his stroller. And we were off to our spot....boy did we ever luck out!! One of the guys Josh works with has friends with two parking/tent spots, right on the rail!!! And it wasn't that far of a walk from where we parked. What luck!!

We got to the spot and settled in with all our goodies. Jack was excited even though he had no clue what was going on. He does love a crowd, more people to entertain, especially the pretty ladies!!!

After a while it began to rain, luckily were had a tent to go under. Our other friends arrived during the heavy downpour, with their son. So Jack finally had somebody his age to hang with. Jack actually enjoyed running in the rain of course. He is all boy after all!!

The races finally started so Jack stayed with Daddy at the rails and eventually the horses came. This was VERY EXCITING!!!! He pointed at the horses and kept yelling, nothing we could understand of course. But he was definitely loving it!

In between the races Jack enjoyed flirting with the ladies, lifting my dress, playing in the mud, playing horseshoes and just running around. He also enjoyed watching cars get stuck in the mud!! It was such an eventful day for the little man!

Luckily it stopped raining after a while so most of the races were nice to watch. We managed to walk back to the car before the rain began too. So overall we were pretty lucky and relatively dry. It was a very fun day!!!