Saturday, March 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We made it home from Ohio!!! Horray! I'll be happy to never see that state again for a long time! What a long road trip with two boys. The boys and I are thrilled to be home again. Jack is showing off for his Daddy. Ewan is also showing off everything he learned while we were gone. Amazing how much can change in just 5 days!

Jack now says bye bye and waves with both hands. He also learned that the snake say SSSSS and likes to make that noise (amazing what animal noises you can come up with when in the car for so long)!

Ewan loves to suck his fists and insists on sitting up most of the time.
Ewan and Jack can both add Virginia and West Virginia to their list of states they have seen.
Lessons learned while gone:
1. A luggage cart makes and excellent ride!
2. Sesame chicken at PF Chang's is spicy (too spicy for Jack).
3. A grown adult can make lots of funny animal sounds!
4. Shopping mall playground areas are a lifesaver!!
5. A snoring baby during a quiet time in a funeral service allows people to laugh through their tears.
6. We can all survive a long car ride...just don't want to do it again anytime soon!
7. It's way too COLD up North!
8. We couldn't have gone without Oma and Opa. Thanks for all the help!
9. Eating while holding a baby gets old after a while. We missed our bouncy and swing!
10. A Kashi cracker works as an emergency yogurt spoon!
11. We really missed DADDY!!!

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