Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jolly Giant

He isn't green, but he sure is jolly and a giant!! Today Ewan had his 4 month well visit. He is a whopping 27.5 inches long...that is off that charts again! He weighs 17lb 13oz. I knew he seemed bigger than his brother!! I get sore holding the "little" man! He started out 1.5 inches shorter than Jack but is already 1 inch longer than Jack was at this age!! Looks like Jack has some competition here!

We've been enjoying the spring weather. We managed to get walks two days in a row, now it's raining. Oh well. Jack has been enjoying his outdoor time, he can't get enough of it. His favorite "toy" is Cosmo's leash!

In the meantime we just keep on surviving. Jack is always finding trouble to get into. Just wait until Ewan is able to walk. He was trying to roll over on the exam table this morning!! I think I'll be forever chasing after them!! Plus, at the rate they are growing they will be towering over me by the time they are 10 years old!! Right now my biggest challenge is trying to get photos of the boys together. Jack isn't quite old enough to hold Ewan, yet Ewan can't sit on his own. So we do what we can!!

1 comment:

FreyBoys said...

Don't you just LOVE big huge boys!!!!!!!