Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rough Lesson

Lesson Learned: ALWAYS know where your spare car keys are!! ALWAYS!

Yesterday the kids and I were at a baby shower and had a great time. After playing in the park across from the house where it was held we had to head home for nap time. Jack kept running in the street to go to the park again so I put him in his seat first. I was holding Ewan in the sling so I just shut the door with Jack unbuckled. Once I got Ewan in and had both hands free I would strap Jack in. Well in all the confusion I left my keys on the seat next to Jack's car seat. I wasn't two steps from the door before I heard Jack lock the car. Panic set in!

Luckily it was a relatively cool day, only low 70s, and cloudy. So I knew I had some time to try to get him out. I, along with several other mommies, tried to get Jack to push the unlock button. No luck at all. He did love pushing the lock button though. Jack thought it was great fun playing with the keys, plus he had another toy in the car. I tried to get him to go up front to play with buttons there or get his juice. Only my dear sweet son decided to be a very good boy and not even leave his car seat!! So time goes by and he's getting sweaty.

I already called Josh...he didn't have his keys at the moment. So Oma to the rescue. She was on the way to our house to look for the keys. We had a few thoughts on where they could be. Eventually Josh borrowed keys and went home too. Between the two of them they found the keys and were headed over to save us.

By now I was getting frantic. Deep down I knew Jack was fine, but I couldn't help but be upset. I let my baby lock himself in the car. And by now he was crying. He did well until the last 15-20 minutes. We tried prying the door open, no luck.

And then Daddy, our hero, came and saved the day. Jack was thrilled to see him and get out of the car. He was rather sweaty. He drank all his juice and cooled off with a cold wash cloth. All was good.

It took me the rest of the day to recover, Jack however, recovered after his nap at home! So there it is....always know where your keys are.

The funny thing is I usually leave a door open because you never do know what can happen with two kids. But as you can see, with two kids, one running in the street, you just get caught up and things happen.

Thank God Ewan wasn't in the car too. I would have called the police immediately if he was. He managed to sleep through most of it. I had a paci with me and that was it. His bottle was in the car and it was meal time. Luckily it was one of the times he nodded off and forgot he was hungry!

We're all doing well now and try not to get too distracted!!! Thanks everyone for all your help! Daddy and Oma are the BEST!!!!

1 comment:

FreyBoys said...

I still can't believe it happened!!! Bless your bones. I wish I would have been able to stay. I am glad Leslie stayed with you though.