Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Program 2012

This morning Jack and Ewan had their Christmas program at preschool.  Sean, Oma, Opa and I all enjoyed ourselves very much.  The girls did two dances and then all the kids sung several songs, along with a manger scene and a duet of "Silent Night". 

Afterwards we enjoyed some lunch and dessert.  Jack kept asking what he could have.  Poor guy wanted it all.  He asked to suck on a cheese puff and of course it did not work!  He finally gave in and had his chocolate peanut butter yogurt smoothie.  We packed a cupcake and put it in the freezer at home.  He has a good sized stash of Christmas goodies for when he is able to eat again!

I took some video clips and pictures, though Sean kept messing with the camera, especially the auto focus button, and pushing me while I was doing everything so needless to say the quality is not the best!!  Oh well, better than nothing.

Jack during the practice session

Ewan during practice

I see a few distracted kids in the back row!

Ewan singing during the program.  His position was not as good as during practice.
During the program he was usually blocked by the microphone wire or the
busy girl in front of him!

About half of the kids

Jack happy to pose with Santa!

Jack trying to suck on the candy cane Santa gave him

Ewan posing with Santa
Today Sean wanted nothing to do with Santa so no photo of him!!

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