Monday, October 10, 2011

Operation Tree House

Operation tree house commenced this past weekend.  Saturday Josh went and picked up some lumber in the stick of butter.  Sunday the building began.  The weather was perfect for outdoor work, cool and overcast.  We headed out around 9:30 in the morning and didn't come in until nap time around 2 in the afternoon!!  What a big day for the boys.

Jack and Ewan were thrilled to help Daddy build something.   They had their work gloves, tool belts, tape measures.....they were eager!  They did manage to help somewhat and did all right staying out of trouble.  I was the trusy assistant.  It was my job to keep the kiddos out of trouble (not always and easy task) and help lift heavy lumber on the ladder. 

Sean watched from a distance in the beginning.  As time wore he headed towards the action.  To our surprise he was not afraid of the air compressor (he is scared of the vacuum).  He actually held onto it while it was running since he liked the vibration it made!!

We had a lovely picnic lunch.  Sean was covered in his lunch....not that it mattered, he was already covered in dirt!!!  He also dined on sticks and rocks during the day.

All in all a very successful day.  LOTS of outdoor time for all the troops and major progress made on the tree house.  Needless to say a bath was required before nap time!!!!!!

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