Thursday, October 13, 2011

Misery Loves Company

I'm feeling miserable...but I have company.  All the fun began last night after Josh and I went to bed.  I noticed the hall light was turned on so I went to turn it off.  As I was reaching for the switch I heard that dreaded noise, that's right, Jack just vomited.  He complained earlier of an owie tummy, guess he was right. 

It wasn't pretty as you can imagine.  Jack made it to the ladder of his bunkbed, unfortunately not down it.   To paint a picture...there were chunks and nastiness on the top of his bed, down the ladder, on the end of Ewan's bed and all over the floor.  What joy what fun!  Luckily Josh was still up so he grabbed the steam cleaner and worked on that.  I took the sheets and comforters off, not an easy task from the top bunk with nasty crap all over them!  I cleaned the ladder and other parts of the bed.  I set Jack up in our bathroom for future incidents.  He sat on the floor and read books while we cleaned.

The cleaning took quite a while.  Sean woke up of course because of Jack's crying and the noisy steam cleaner.  Luckily he went back to sleep easily.  Ewan was wide awake and enjoyed watching Daddy clean the floor.  Once the floor was clean I was able to walk around the bed better and put on clean sheets.

Jack and I headed downstairs.  By now it is about 11PM.  I let him watch TV, what else were we going to do at that hour?!  At this point I also noticed I had an upset stomach, great.  I asked Ewan earlier and he said he felt fine. 

Jack and I watched TV, I washed sheets, our eyes were heavy.  I took him upstairs since he was feeling a little better.  Unfortunately the walk upstairs stirred things up and he vomited again.  Downstairs we go again.  Later I finally got sick.  Just wonderful.  We took turns in the bathroom!

By 2AM we were both feeling better and too exhausted to care.  We headed up to bed.  I told Jack his bathroom door was open and if he felt sick to try to make it to the toilet.  He had no problems, never got sick again.  I, however, got sick again right after I went to bed. 

I finally managed to fall asleep, only to be awakened again at 3:30.  Ewan was crying.  Nothing too unusual, he hasn't been sleeping well lately.  No such luck this time.  He had just thrown up in his bed, though luckily much smaller than Jack's mess.  So I got him situated in the bathroom, took his sheets off, put clean ones and changed his pjs. 

Now it was Ewan's turn to head downstairs with Mommy.  We watched TV again.  Ewan got sick a few more times, he cried more than Jack.  The whole ordeal upset him more.  I can't blame him, I didn't care for it either!!!  We finally went to bed at 5:30.

I hoped my dear sweet Sean would sleep in for me.  Ewan went to bed with me and Josh was getting up for work.  I managed to fall asleep around 6:30, a time at which I am usually wide awake, dressed in my workout clothes and downstairs enjoying some quiet time.  I slept for a short while, Jack came in and he slept with us.  It was 7:30 by the time Sean woke us up. 

So today I'm functioning, I use that word loosely, on less than 2.5 hours of sleep.  We all came downstairs, Sean had his milk and cereal.  He is happy and full of energy!  Not the case for me.  Jack and Ewan wanted to eat more, but I wouldn't let them.  As it was, Ewan spit up all his water.  Thank goodness the family room is now wood floor!!!  If only the whole house was, cleanup would be much easier in the middle of the night!!!

I'm finishing laundry.  The boys have colored and played with toys.  I'm bribing them with TV time right now.  I have absolutely no energy and am trying to keep Sean entertained YET out of trouble!  Dr. Oma already brought us seltzer and Spite to help survive the day.  I am hoping for a very long nap this afternoon.  I know Jack and Ewan should be exhausted too.

Wish us luck!!!  It is days like this it would be nice to have a sick day.  That is, all by myself, no kids to care for.  I dream of just hiding under the covers all by myself!!!!!!

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