Friday, March 4, 2011

Life is so Complicated....

Why is it so extremely difficult to move??!!  The house we originally had an offer on was an option again; the owners found private financing.  So we gave them our info since we were still interested, however, we later found out the owners are broke.  Not normally a problem, EXCEPT when the house has an oil tank leak.  They obviously couldn't afford to fix the leak, and we clearly will not take ownership of a house with a leak.  So now it is no longer an option again.  Back to square one.....still can't sell, still can't find a house.  We're bummed and sick of house hunting!

In other news, Ewan is still doing pretty well potty training.  We've had lots of accident free days.  But then of course yesterday during a playdate he had two accidents.  There's just something about a playdate that distracts's not like he drank more than usual and the accidents were so close together, he doesn't usually go that close together.  Oh well, in the grand scheme he is still doing great, better than Jack did.  Not even one naptime accident!!

All the boys continue to grow way too quickly.  Should I ever find the time I still need to work on Jack's warmer weather wardrobe.  I've seen cute things all over....Crazy 8, Old Navy etc.  Just need to find the time to get out and get him the clothes.  There's something about boys in a polo shirt!  I may not have girls to dress cutely, but boys in a polo are just as adorable!  And talk about getting big, they are all massive!!!!!!!!

So much for quiet time.....Jack is up again.  Will update again later!

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