Friday, January 22, 2010

Rough Week

It's been hectic this week....and that's only since Wednesday.  Seems like forever though!!  Wednesday after lunch Jack said he had an boo boo on his tummy and kept asking me to kiss it.  Not too unusual, but then he actually asked to take his nap, that was unusual.  Half an hour later he woke up crying...I went up and he had just thrown up on his bed.  That was rather unpleasant!!  So after trying to clean it up a little he came downstairs and rested on my lap, sometimes sleeping, sometimes in the zone and sometimes throwing up.  It was ROUGH!  At least he would sometimes give me a little warning and say his tummy hurt so we could try to get to the bathroom, other times not so much.   He couldn't even keep liquids down.  Luckily by the time he went to bed he was a little better and never did throw up again.  He was up several times that night, mostly to drink.  Then yesterday he was up and back to normal....FULL of the devil!  He still didn't eat much, but otherwise OK.

Our best guess was it was something he ate, but even then we couldn't figure it out.  But oh well, at least he was fine and nobody else got it.  SO we thought until today.  We went out to lunch with Oma and Opa today....Jack was asking to see Opa forever and they just got back from vacation in Arizona.  Neither of the boys ate much, no suprise about Jack, but Ewan still usually eats quite well.  So he was getting fussy, his teeth I assumed (his molar has been driving us all nuts lately)!  I gave him his paci and he took it out, instantyly I knew something was wrong and before we knew it he did a  projectile vomit.  LOVELY!!  He managed to get it on his clothes, my sleeve, all over the floor and on my purse.  Jack started freaking out, upset Ewan was sick and wanting Mommy.  Opa had to calm him down while I tried to clean the mess.  I don't keep spare clothes for Ewan with me anymore,big mistake!!  So I took his sweater off, had a shirt on underneath.  Then I got him Jack's spare jeans, good thing they are close in size.  So after much to do we left, Ewan asleep in the car within seconds.  He is still sleeping and now Jack is napping as well.  I'm exhausted!!!  Hopefully this won't last long.  I'm hoping it's a good sign that Ewan hasn't thrown up again.....

In other news....Jack was very excited to get his new shoes this week.  We looked in several stores and couldn't find anything I like.  So finally I ordered him a pair of Simple shoes, our favorite brand that Ewan got for his birthday.  So I told him which day the brown mail truck (UPS) was bringing them.  When the doorbell rang he yelled "Jack's new shoes"!!!  He was so excited and put them on right away.  They are indeed cute...hard to find in a boy's shoe!!

I'm sure there is more, but I'm a little sleep deprived lately and can't think clearly!!!

Jack passed out on the wood floor....he WANTED to lay there!

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