Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So it's been complete madness around here lately.  The holidays are far too busy, well maybe it's just the boys as usual keeping me busy!   Where to begin....Friday we took down Jack's crib.  Finally he has more space in his room to play.  Unfortunately, he does't care to stay in bed!  At night I now have to stay with him until he falls asleep, or close to it.  Needless to say he isn't very quick about it.  He is enjoying his new freedom too much!!  Last night I left him at 8:30, still awake.  He took that time to turn his light on and dump all his legos on his bed to play.  He was up til after 9PM!!  Life was definitely easier when we could put him in the crib at 8 and be done with it!  We also have to lock all the doors upstairs and shut the gate....Sunday I forgot Ewan's door and Jack woke him up at nap time.  Ewan never recovered, Jack finally went to sleep much later.  I was stuck trying to bake cookies with Ewan running around downstairs!

Otherwise it's pretty much life as always.  Two extremely active boys...and stuck inside because of rain lately.  They do pretty well with the Chistmas tree, however, every now and then they get obsessed with it and won't stop going to check it out.  After shooing them away for the millionth time or so we head upstairs to play where there is less temptation!!

Jack is enjoying all his Christmas books.  He realizes now that Santa say "ho ho ho"!  He is loving all the holiday decorations he sees everywhere.  We haven't gone to see Santa yet, we'll probably do that at Zoo Lights.  Hopefully it will go better...last year Jack freaked out!!

Tomorrow when Oma has Jack for the morning Ewan and I hope to finish Christas shopping.  We pretty much just have stocking stuffers left.  Unfortunately morning are tricky...Ewan is still holding onto his morning nap.

Last week Josh did get a job offer from the company buying his plant.  SO...he will still be employed after the new year.  YEAH!!!

This evening the boys and I are headed to Oma's for her birthday dinner and cake.  Jack had fun checking out the cake I baked last night!  Josh has a meeting so we'll have to bring him a doggie bag.

That pretty much sums up life at Chez Dalrymple!  Busy chasing the boys and trying to keep the house from falling apart!!  The best news is that my new washer and dryer arrive in ONE WEEK....not soon enough but I'll still party when they get here!!

No new pictures just yet, too busy to take any.  I'm hoping to take some of the boys at USC once winter break commences so early next week if the weather AND boys cooperate!!

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