Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Excitement

Jack continues to be very excited about Christmas, not that he has a full understanding about it!  Sunday night we got our tree and put it up.  The boys each got a chance to put up their new ornaments (following tradition, each of the boys got an ornament for St. Nick's day that morning, and Christmas pjs from Oma and Opa).  Then after they went to bed I decorated the tree.  I wasn't even able to put all the ornaments up...too many, especially since I had to limit the lower level of the tree!

Monday morning when the boys came downstairs they were excited to see the tree decorated.  Jack kept pointing out the ornaments..."I see Santa", "I see snowman", "I see bike"!!  It was quite refreshing seeing such excitement.  Then when we came back from an afternoon walk the lights were on the tree...the timer set off while we were out.  Jack and Ewan were both thrilled to see the tree lit up!

So that's life around here, gearing up for the holidays.  Tomorrow we've got a holiday potluck with our playgroup at our house.  That should be fun and yummy!  We've also got some cookie exchanges coming up and other fun activities.  Time to think if there are any new traditions we want to start with the boys...we've carried on the St. Nick ornament tradition, and of course homemade pizza for Christmas Eve dinner and mimosa brunch Christmas morning.  Time to come up with a new Dalrymple tradition to add to the season!

In other news....the weekend away from the kids, hubs and dog went well.  We ate out and were lazy the whole time!!  Well we cooked some too I guess.  I also got both the boys' scrapbooks done and the family album worked on until I ran out of tape!! Oma started knitting Ewan's hat...the ear flaps are done.  We also got the yarn for Jack' hat too.  They are the most adorable patterns!!  We did end the weekend with drugs and drinking...stopped by the Minute Clinic.  We both have sinus infections!!  So even being sick I got a good amount done, amazing what you can accomplish without the kids!!!

Jack putting up his new ornament (a zebra).

Ewan putting up his new ornament (a penguin).

Ewan checking out the tree.

Oh, the trouble we can get into!!!

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