Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Prep Madness

The boys like to toss challenges at me...this time the dog too!!  Josh was under the weather yesterday and Ewan extra fussy.  I think it's because he is getting new teeth, including a molar which made Jack EXTREMELY WHINY.  Anyway, I whipped up a batch of cookies last night (not even on my to do list but felt like it).  Things were going well, until Ewan got up at 10:30 and again at midnight. 

So I was already sleep deprived and got up at my usual 5:15 for morning discover that Cosmo had a seizure sometime overnight and peed all over her bed and spots on the floor!  We only took a short walk since I was still half asleeep.

Then Jack woke up and leaked through his diaper, well actually it didn't seem to be on tight.  Anyway, now I've also got sheets to wash.  So a dog bed and sheets to wash and the dryer is on the fritz!  Took all day yesterday and this AM to dry a load of towels!!!  We'll be sending some wet clothes to Oma probably!!  Oh, just remembered I need to wash, dry and iron the kitchen curtains (Ewan got cake on them last week)!

Hopefully the boys will behave today.  Need to bake a red velvet cake and steam the sweet potatoes for the casserole.  Plus clean, plus laundry...and somehow I need to give the dog a bath too since she peed all over herself.  That means clean the boys bathroom again too!!!  Sound fun or what?!

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