Sunday, July 12, 2009

Water Fun

We need to send out a big thanks to Emmie M....she sold two of my Boob Bags recently. So I spent part of the money on a water table for the boys and they absolutely love it. They played with it a couple times this weekend. Ewan even tries to pull himself up on it, but the deck is too slippery and his feet are under the table! Needless to say more water ends up out of the table than in it but they have fun. Jack also LOVES being sprayed with the hose while filling the table.

On another note, the boys are absolute PIGS!!!! Lately Jack is eating another snack right before bed! And tonight Ewan ate dinner and a bottle and about an hour later he was hungry AGAIN!! He had half a jar of mac and cheese and then his bedtime bottle, plus extra!!! Needless to say I've got some cooking to do soon!! With Jack I cooked some of his baby food, mostly fruits and some veggies. This time I'll do my best to cook for of Ewan's. I pulled out my baby food cookbooks and found some yummy recipes.

Our next big task is potty training. WISH US LUCK!!!! We'll need it!!

Ewan and Jack having a blast!

Smiling Ewan!!

More water please!!!

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