Thursday, September 20, 2012

Busy Week

It is another crazy busy week here at the Dalrymple house.  Sean started potty training Monday.  It is going pretty well.  He prefers to sit on the potty in the bathroom by himself with the door shut!  More on that to come.

I have had a nasty cold.  That makes it extra "fun" to potty train and keep the gang out of trouble.  I am absolutely exhausted, long before the end of the day!! 

The boys keep learning new things.  Sean can now climb up the ladder to the top bunk bed.  He can't get down by himself though.  Jack continues to climb the counters and anything else to find food or treats.  I need a vault for all the food and gum!  Jack and Ewan are both loving school. 

Yesterday my friend Jens arrived from Germany.  The boys had a blast entertaining him and his girlfriend.  The boys were quite upset to find out they would be spending the night at Oma's; they really wanted to play some more!!

And of course the party planning.  Sean's birthday party is Saturday.  That means I am busy cleaning, cooking and baking.  A birthday for us isn't like store bought cake and pizza for us.  It is all homemade food and definitely a homemade cake, or this year animal cupcakes.  Lots more work, but so worth it.   And somehow I need to find time to wrap the little guy's presents too!!!

That sums up our life this week, will work on blogging more when I find the time.

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