Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One Week and Counting

Had my last OB appointment this morning!!  I tried to get the doctor to take this monster out soon since I'm absolutely miserable, but he thought we should stick with the original date.  Oh well, one more week of suffering.  Somehow I'll survive this....4 work days and 2 weekend days with Josh to help!

Somehow this baby seems bigger than either of the boys and I'm not even done yet.  I swear there is no more room for baby to grow, but yet somehow it does!  Moving around is getting near impossible and the boys know it!

Yesterday was Josh's birthday.  The poor guy got a bum deal.  He had a full day of work, came home for an hour and then had a dinner/meeting.  By the time he got home we put the boys to bed and then our new bed was delivered (late of course)!  No birthday cake or birthday dinner!  We'll have to celebrate this weekend.  Things are just so insane around here lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying that your labor and delivery are quick and painfree (asking a lot aren't I???) But God is faithful to his children.... Will wait with baited breath for the news on the deliver of D3.... Love you all lots and lots! Aunt Lois.