Monday, September 27, 2010

First Doctor Visit

Sean is recovering from his first trip to the doctor's office, as am I!!  We went in this morning for his follow up visit.  He weighed 9lb. 14.5oz.  An acceptable weight loss, however, still jaundiced.  He didn't care for the rectal temp check.....pooped all over the place and peed too!!!!  We crammed ourselves into the office, quite a sight with me, Oma and 3 boys!  Time was getting late to while I waited for Sean's shot Oma took the boys to the gym for her.  After Sean got his shot I took him next door to the lab at the hospital for his jaundice bloodwork.  After waiting to register and then waiting at the lab Sean got pricked in the foot.  For some reason he was a VERY SLOW bleeder so it took some time to get an adequate sample.  By then he was extremely fussy and hungry.  Luckily the gang was done at the gym and picking us up so no more waiting. 

We got home and I fed Sean.  By the time I got lunch (luckily I packed some for the boys, forgot something for myself) it was after 2PM!!  Then it was nap time....I was exhausted since Sean had a rough night and the boys were getting extremely obnoxious, aka tired.   It took them a while to settle down but finally we all managed to nap.  Of course I hadn't been asleep half an hour before the doc's office called to let me know we would have to go to the lab again tomorrow AM since Sean's levels were high.  Barely fell asleep again and then Cosmo barked at the UPS truck.  Not much nap today!!  Luckily we had Oma with us from 8:45-5:30 today.  I don't think we would have survived otherwise.

Hopefully things will go better tonight.  And then tomorrow Sean and I will be at the lab AGAIN while Oma and the boys are at the gym for yoga.  Another action packed morning!!

Plus Josh had his first day at his new job.  Busy day for everyone!  He survived his day too, adjusting to a longer commute.  The boys will have to get used to Daddy being home less until we move closer to work.  Adjustments for everyone right now!!

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