Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hectic Week Antics

It's been a VERY BUSY week....getting ready for Jack's party and trying to keep the boys entertained so Josh can have some quiet time to study.  It's rather difficult keeping them quiet in the house, especially when Ewan starts his screaming matches with Jack.  He does so love to scream!!!  So that means we go out and about.  Well that gets tricky since Jack needs to be near a bathroom and Ewan still takes a morning nap.

Tuesday Josh had the day off to study....Oma had Jack for the morning and they had a great time as always.  He was a very good boy and didn't even have any accidents!  Ewan and I ran a couple errands and I got a haircut.  Then we all met Josh for lunch and had a fun time together.  The problem was that Jack nodded off in the car on the way home.  He didn't really wake up when we got home so I put him down for a nap.  Ewan got his bottle and then he didn't want to go down for his nap (didn't get his morning nap).  Josh is trying to study and I've got stuff to do...THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE NAPPING!!!  Jack wakes up, Ewan finally goes down.  So I started planting the flowers and Jack stayed in with Daddy for a while.  Then they come outside and Jack gets a thrill helping Daddy mowing the lawn.  Anyway, we finally get out yardwork done.  Josh has a dinner meeting so the boys and I have spaghetti for dinner.  BIG MISTAKE!!  Jack decides it is rather fun to play with and throw around.  Now I remember why I usually make another shape pasta!  After I clean up from dinner the boys and I go for a walk with Cosmo.  We have a pleasant time until Jack falls off the hitchhiker and wacks his head.  I have to carry him and push the stroller and hold the dog....luckily he decides to get back on the hitchhiker right before we go up a big hill!!  So we get home and Jack is grabbing himself...I try to get him  inside to go to the bathroom and he starts pitching a fit.  He won't go in the bathroom and when I take him in there he won't stand for me to pull is pants down.  When I finally get his pants down he decides that's the time to got it.....PEE EVERYWHERE!!!  That includes in my face, down my leg, puddling on my shoes, on the walls....  What a nightmare!  I clean the bathroom and try to keep Ewan out of the mess....luckily it's bathtime anyway.  So the boys get their bath...I'm still dirty from being peed on!  The boys play happily after their bath and I figure maybe I can sneak a quick shower just as I'm about to turn on the water Ewan screams.  Scratch Mommy's shower!!!  The boys are fussy and eventually after Ewan's bottle they both go down to bed.  FINALLY I get my shower!!  Josh gets home.  Why is it he misses all the fun??!!  I'd like to say the theme to the story is....a good nap is VERY IMPORTANT! 

So hopefully you all enjoy this little story.  Many have asked how I do it with two boys so close in age and so young.  Does this answer your questions?!  Luckily it's not always that bad, but it can be!!!

Tomorrow Josh is off again to study.  Hopefully it will go better then!!!  Wish us luck.

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