Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Halloween Party

Today the boys and I had fun at our playgroup's Halloween party in the park.  It's one of our favorite parks here in town.  Jack loves to play there...also get into trouble.  I lost him for a minute or two while feeding Ewan.  He ran off with Nicholas' hockey stick and was playing!  He does get the devil in him sometimes.  The food was all wonderful and the boys had fun playing with their friends.

In other news...Ewan still is not walking.  He is, however, taking up to 4-5 steps at a time.  So hopefully soon enough we'll have a walking little man.  Life will never be the same...I'm already running after Jack all the time!!!  Jack's potty training continues.  He's doing pretty well.  Since his birthday he does get to be a bit much sometimes though, doesn't want to put his toys down and go potty.  Today he went in a port-a-potty for the first time...two times actually.  Success!!

Pirate Jack having fun on the dinosaur.

Pirate Ewan having fun with the turtle.

Look Mama, I found a stick!!

Attempting to stage the kids for photos  (only some of the here)!

Jack and Ewan with their pal Nicholas.

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