Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Dalrymple Brothers

Part of the hype with this year's Tour de France was the Schleck brothers. Well we've decided we've got the next big thing....the Dalrymple brothers could be riding the Tour together in 20 years or so!!!

Jack was sad to see the Tour de France come to an end. He LOVED watching the Tour, he would wake up and point to the TV and say "bike"!! He LOVES bikes, "bike cool" or "bike vroom vroom" are some of his favorite new sayings.

Well ever since Jack was born I've looked for shirts with bikes on them and recently found one with motorcycles for Ewan which are close to bicycles. Anyway, while surfing the net one day I came across some bike shirts on the Gap site.

And off we were. Unfortunately there is not a Baby Gap in Columbia anymore so we would have to go out of town. Oma and I didn't want to pay shipping so after calling a few places we wound up in Charlotte. I had them hold the right sizes for me and off we were. Now, you must be questioning us already. Isn't gas for the road trip more than shipping?? Of course, but we do love a good road trip!!! Plus we stopped by Costco on the way home so that justified the trip.

We got to the store and picked up the shirts. We switched sizes for Jack...the 2T just didn't look like it would fit long at all. They were out of 3T so a 4T it was! Seems I wasn't the only one looking for a bike shirt...they only had 2 left after we bought our two!!! So 2 bike shirts and a pair of flip flops for Jack on Oma's gift card for the boys and off we were. We were at Southpark, a mall we love...but with kids it just isn't the same. So we fed Ewan and sat at the water fountain for a while which Jack loved.

Then the real justification of the trip....lunch at Cheesecake Factory!! And it was fate, National Cheesecake Day (half price on all cheesecake desserts)!!! Needless to say we got dessert. Jack enjoyed both pieces, but once he got a spoon of whipped cream that is all he wanted. He is my boy.....dairy state boy at heart!!!!

So off to Costco we went. It was a relatively short time there. We didn't need much and got in and out without any episodes. But at the car we had a crisis. I opened the back so Oma could put everything in the car and went to the driver's seat to start the car and turn on the A/C. The car wouldn't start....panic sets in as I have two little boys who are getting hot and ready for naps. I call Josh and he says it's some security issue, check the manual for a sequence....blah, blah, blah. I remind him about the part that fell out earlier when I was driving. He says that shouldn't effect anything...but I try to put it in anyway. Anything to avoid looking in the manual and getting under the dash!! Low and behold the car starts after I put it in. Seems the previous owner had an extra security measure put in...take this part out and the car won't start!!

So homeward bound we were! What a day! Anyway, we now have our cool bike shirts and the boys wore them this morning for a photo....the lighting was horrible and the picture isn't great, but I'm posting it anyway because I'm just too impatient to wait to take a better picture when the lighting improves!

In other weekly news....Ewan had a visit to the doctor Tuesday. He has an eye infection. So now I have the pleasure of giving him two drops in his eye every 4 hours! He just loves me for that!!! We're almost halfway through the 7 day run of this. But we still consider ourselves lucky....Jack has never had a doctor's visit other than his well visits and Ewan only two... this eye infection and his pyloric stenosis. Not too bad considering most other kids seem to get everything!!

1 comment:

scgoddess said...

The boys look so cute in their shirts. I see more bike shirts in their future.....Sometimes Oma just can't resist.