Sunday, August 9, 2009


Friday afternoon Jack and Ewan's cousins and Aunt and Uncle came by for a short visit (left late Saturday morning). Jack was thrilled to see his cousins. I don't think he really remembers them from other times he's seen them, but he loved playing with them! Better yet, they all had a slumber party and Jack thought the bed in the bonus room was really cool!!

The girls and Jack enjoyed helping Josh make pizza for dinner. It's become a tradition....anytime the girls are with Josh he HAS to make pizza for dinner. It's quite fun and Jack enjoys "helping" too.

Notice Jack's flour moustache!! The girls are working forming the crust.

Ashley is doing a great job with her crust!

After everyone slept well...both boys until 8 AM.....we enjoyed a blueberry pancake breakfast. It was yummy!!!

Jack learned the hard way that the griddle gets hot! I warmed him that it was hot and not to touch it, but as soon as I turned my back he put his hand on it. He recovered quickly though. He kept eating the blueberries before I could even get them in the pancakes!

Ewan had fun with his cousins too. Ashley and Kristen helped watch him while I was fixing pancakes. He was crawling all over the place as usual. He is getting much more mobile and likes to walk if we hold his hands. He is also starting to cruise on the furniture. We'll have to wait and see when he starts walking!! Life will never be the same after that I'm sure...both boys running in opposite directions!

Not much else new going on with the Dalrymple Clan. Ewan recovered from his eye infection, though it is starting to get a little red again. He was thrilled when his eye drops were done...though I may start again.

Jack is all over the place!! Today we went shoe shopping and enjoyed the tax free holiday. Somehow we got 4 pairs of shoes and none were for me!!! Josh got two pairs and Jack got two pairs! Jack got some sneakers for the fall....already sizes 9.5 and 10!!!! That boy has got some BIG feet!!!!!!

Ewan had a bad reaction to Motrin earlier in the week. He got hives but is now recovered. Like I've said before, we always have something going on!!

Today after naps we'll go play with our neighbor. Their son is just weeks younger than Jack so it should be great fun...especially with the sprinkler. Jack LOVES the water!!

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