Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Terrible Twos

Jack may not yet be two years old.... but he has already entered the "terrible twos"!  His favorite answer to a question is "no", he is in timeout very often (though he doesn't seem to care)...  Let's just say he is definitely defiant.  He is still my sweetheart, he just tests my patience (which was already VERY LOW) every single day.  Today we tried potty training again....that's not going to happen!  It is very emotionally and physically draining dealing with him lately.

Ewan is still a sweetheart.  He gets into most everything and loves it.  He is so close to walking, but has not taken that first step just yet.

So we just keep on going...the boys full of energy and me just surving their adventures!
On the State House steps.
Jack sharing his peanuts at the State House.
Jack and Daddy helping Ewan walk!

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