Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Growing Pains.....and a Glimmer of Hope

Last night Jack experienced his first major battle with Mommy and Daddy. He devoured his tater tots and some of Daddy's for dinner and ate most of his baked beans. He was very stubborn about eating his chicken though. We attempted several times to get him to eat a couple bites...he would put it in his mouth and then spit it out, or better yet just toss it on the floor. Needless to say this grew old and we were not willing to give in this time. So Jack sat at the table for an hour after his official mealtime (which was already 30 minutes) and cried/screamed the entire time. We kept telling him all he had to do was eat ONE bite of chicken. He got hysterical when Daddy and Ewan went upstairs for a bath without him, but he still wasn't willing to eat a single bite (not even a big bite). After much crying and wearing everyone down, Josh finally shoved it in his mouth (now about the size of one grain of rice after being spit out several times) and Jack swallowed it after drinking some milk.

We were thrilled it was finally over!!! As was Jack!!! Of course he probably still didn't learn his lesson but eventually he will.

And now for the glimmer of hope.........Jack is preparing for potty training. We call it "getting familiar with the potty" stage. Everyone now and then he will sit on his potty, never doing anything though. So last night after crying for an hour at the table Josh took him up for a bath. He got naked and sat on the potty while Josh put away his dirty diaper. When he returned there was pee in the potty!!!! Yes, our little man went in the potty for the first time...and nobody even witnessed it!! Perhaps all out potty training is in our somewhat near future!

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