Thursday, March 5, 2009

Connected again!!!

Yeah, we have internet again!!! Life is just not the same when you don't have a reliable internet connection. We're back!! So where to begin with all our updates.....
Family Outing: Last week the boys went to their first sporting event. Josh, Jack, Ewan and I all went to the UK vs. USC basketball game. We had fun, despite UK looking horrible. One of Josh's college friends was there too. Josh nearly gave me a heart attach though...he took Jack to the concessions and when he came back he was carrying Jack on his shoulders with a pretzel in one hand and a diet coke in the wiggle and Jack could fall (and we were at nearly the top row)!!! We all survived though and Jack loved the halftime show and flirting with some college girls behind us. Even showed them his belly. Ewan was happy sitting upright in my lap facing out watching the game (not that he could really see it)!
Jack: Jack continues to grow like a weed. He is hungry ALL the time. Just after he finishes a meal he is already snacking again. He loves granola bars and fruit. Oma brought some leftover beef stroganoff...Jack loved that and he usually won't eat noodles. Luckily he usually asks for fruit so that is always good. He also now loves to dip his food...anything with ketchup is YUMMY!! Today he licked the ketchup/spicy bbq sauce off his plate!!

Jack is also a super big boy now. He got rid of his pacis. He had two that he kept in his crib for naps and sleeping at night. We took them away one night and he never complained once!! Yeah big boy Jack!!!

Yesterday Jack had fun on the Fun Bus. Our playgroup had the bus at somebody's house and it was great. Jack's favorite was going down the slide...just not waiting his turn. Ewan just hung out in the BabyHawk.

Ewan: Ewan is also growing. He is such a big boy when I look at him. It's hard to remember that he is only slightly over 3 months old!! He is getting too heavy to hold in just one arm and will have to change car seats soon. He kicks off the cover on his infant seat so it came off. Once he can sit in a seat I'll switch him to his next car seat.

We all enjoyed another snow day....once again no snow!!! Only in the South would they cancel school and work well over 12 hours in advance. Last Sunday around 5PM or so they were already cancelling because we MIGHT get snow. Well by 10PM they knew we wouldn't, but it was too late since they already announced all the cancellations! How insane is that! So notice the snowflakes on Ewan's shirt because that is the only snow we saw!!!!

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