Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Healthy Big Boy

Pics: My argyle boys, Jack and Daddy hiking in NC, Ewan's first slide ride in Brevard.

Ewan passed his follow-up visit with flying colors!!! Yippee!! Our BIG boy is healthy again. He is allowed to eat as much as he wants again and have his cereal in bottles again. Needless to say he took full advantage of this too...he chowed down yesterday and doesn't seem to want to stop!! Maybe he is hitting another growth spurt.

After our successful doctor's visit we went to the park while we were downtown. Ewan snoozed in the stroller and Jack had fun playing. His favorite is still the slide, and of course eating mulch!

My goal for the week is going well so far...we are working on a schedule. Well not a strict schedule or anything, but some kind of a routine so that I can at least get a few things done. The boys rarely nap at the same time and one always needs something from me so it's difficult to get anything done, especially chasing Jack and keeping him out of trouble. But this week we've managed to get a walk two days in a row. Great for everyone...I desperately need all the exercise I can get and the boys like the outdoors. The dog also needs her exercise to help calm her down just a little! I even had time to sort through paperwork yesterday and make our Valentines! Of course I realize today may be another day of getting nothing done, but I'll take what I can get. I'm just sick of everything being so unorganized. It's driving me nuts!!

Only one more day til Uncle Nick gets here!!! We can't wait to see him again. We last saw him when we went to Glacier Park last August. Jack is so much bigger now and doing much more. And Ewan hasn't met him yet. We're all getting our pictures taken Sunday so we look forward to that too. It will be nice to have some photos of the whole group...the boys change so much these days.

Pics: Jack hiking in NC, Jack eating mulch at park in Columbia.

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